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News Release

Aug. 10, 2022

Northwest Foundation welcomes 7 new members

The Northwest Foundation Inc. 委任七位新董事出任董事局成员,以协助指导大学的发展及获得私人支持.

The new members, who joined the Board in July, are Bilal Clarance, Rodney Edge, Ryan Hamilton, Brian Hesse, Angela Moskow, Deryk Powell and Dr. Thomas Vansaghi.

The 2022-23 Northwest Foundation Board is led by President Leisha Beckemeyer Barry, a 1984 graduate from Liberty, Missouri; President Elect Ted Place, a 1999 alumnus from Kansas City, Missouri; and Immediate Past President Dr. Robert Burrell, a 1970 graduate from Denver, Colorado.

The Northwest Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, 为网上赌博网站十大排行及其学生的利益开发和管理慈善资源. 它由一个由36名志愿者组成的委员会管理,由网上赌博网站十大排行发展办公室的成员组成. Board members may serve up to two three-year terms.

Additional information about the new Board members is provided below. For more information about the Northwest Foundation, visit

Bilal Clarance

Bilal Clarance他住在加州伯克利,是谷歌的高级工程主管. 他曾在旧金山地区的Capital One Financial担任隐私和数据解决方案数据工程高级总监,并在苹果公司(Apple Inc .)工作. in a variety of positions, including software engineer, senior software engineer and software engineering manager. 2005年至2009年,他还为欧洲球队打职业篮球,1999年至2008年,他是丹麦篮球国家队的一员.

A native of Copenhagen, Denmark, 他于2005年毕业于网上赌博网站十大排行,获得交互式数字媒体-计算机科学学位. 他是熊猫男子篮球队的成员,也是DigEm俱乐部和中东学生组织的成员. 2020年获得正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台会青年校友奖.

Rodney Edge

Rodney Edge resides in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, 他是Materiel Solutions公司的总裁兼首席执行官, LLC, 一家专门从事联邦政府业务发展的全球物流公司, commercial and international sectors. Previously, he enjoyed a U.S. 他的军旅生涯长达20多年,最终担任了李堡的首席执行官, Virginia. 他曾担任沙特阿拉伯高级官员的外交顾问,并在五角大楼担任副处长.

A native of Washington, D.C., 他于1984年毕业于网上赌博网站十大排行,获得工业技术学士学位,并获得中密歇根大学工商管理硕士学位,以及武装部队工业学院-国防大学军事国家资源战略与政策硕士学位. At Northwest, 他是预备役军官训练团(ROTC)的一名学员,也是Kappa Alpha Psi兄弟会的成员, Harambee and the Bearcat track and field team. 他于2019年获得正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台会公共服务奖.


Ryan Hamilton, of Liberty, Missouri, is a 1993 alumnus of Northwest. With his wife, Dina, he manages Hamilton Sport Complex, 这是一家非营利基金会,为堪萨斯城的年轻人提供接触和成长的机会, Missouri, area through sports. Previously, 他曾受雇于爱荷华州自然资源部和Cerner Corporation,担任高级副总裁兼首席架构师.


Brian Hesse

Brian Hesse resides in Mamaroneck, New York, and is co-owner, president and chief executive officer of aluminum distributor PerenniAL. 拥有超过25年的金属制造和分销公司经验, 他曾担任Rusal America Corp .的总裁兼首席执行官, a global-leading aluminum company; vice president of sales and marketing with Vedanta, a global natural resources company; global sales director with Aleris International, an aluminum producer; and held multiple roles with Ryerson, a leading metals distributor.

他于1995年毕业于网上赌博网站十大排行,获得市场营销学士学位. As a student he was a resident assistant, assistant hall director, 学生大使,Delta Sigma Phi和美国营销协会的成员.

Angela Moskow

Angela Moskow他是新泽西州Gladstone的居民,于2015年至2021年任职后重返董事会. 她在医疗保健领域工作了近30年,现在是Booth Legacy Ventures的首席运营官, including 27 years in sales, marketing and government relations with Sanofi, an international pharmaceutical company. From 2017 to 2021, she founded and operated Equity After Investment LLC, a brand marketing strategic consulting firm.

他是里士满大学罗宾斯商学院的校友, she is daughter of Melvin and Valorie Booth, for which Northwest’s business school is named.

Deryk Powell

Deryk Powell 现居堪萨斯州基维拉湖,现任Velociti公司总裁兼首席运营官., a leading provider of technology deployment and support services. The company is a partner of Northwest, 为Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse和Bearcat Stadium的套房提供Wi-Fi硬件,并于2017年成为客户 Knacktive这是网上赌博网站十大排行面向高级本科生的数字媒体营销机构.

A native of Burlington Junction, Missouri, 1993年毕业于网上赌博网站十大排行,获得公共关系学士学位. As a student, 他曾从事广告销售工作,并在西北密苏里报纸和Heartland View杂志担任广告总监.


Dr. Thomas Vansaghi, resides in Kansas City, Missouri, 现就职于威廉·朱厄尔学院,担任非营利组织领导力助理教授和战略规划主任. 他之前的职业经历包括担任大学和社区关系的副校长,堪萨斯城大都会社区学院基金会的临时主任,以及网上赌博网站十大排行大学关系的副校长. He also worked as a legislative liaison for the state of Missouri, among other assignments related to state government and then-Gov. Mel Carnahan’s office. He has served on numerous Kansas City-area and state boards.

A native of St. Louis, 他于1991年在网上赌博网站十大排行获得政府学士学位,并获得密苏里-哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士学位和博士学位.D. in political science from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. As a Northwest student, 除了是德尔塔兄弟会的成员外,他还是学生会主席和宿舍助理.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215